Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Adventures In Netflix: The Corridor

Have you seen Dreamcatcher? I thought it was pretty bad (and I really tried to like it too). Well if you can imagine that movie as a less big-budget Hollywood film with some slightly more thought-provoking concepts and a dash of this magical idea I love to talk about called subtlety you'd have something like The Corridor on your hands. The film is by no means perfect. The acting was a little rough (sometimes because of the writing) and the last 15 or so minutes of the film were sort of lackluster. But, this is one of those movies that I stumbled across and ended up really enjoying. The setting is fantastic, the characters are relate-able, and the film didn't hyper-extend itself. It knew it's limits and because of that the action was well conceived and it managed to introduce some really great sci-fi elements with very little effort. At the end you're left with the journey as opposed to the destination. Vague, I know, but if you watch it you'll understand. 4/5 Stars.

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